Kampala Creme’, a reality television program showcasing the lives of notable personalities including Etania, Baby Gloria, Zahara Totto, and Mami Deb, made its debut on January 14, 2024. Since its premiere, the show has captivated audiences with its , captivating Ugandan audiences with its glitz and drama. providing a platform for the cast to exhibit their lifestyles.
Among the various dynamics depicted on the show, the intermittent friendship between Mami Deb and Baby Gloria has emerged as a notable focal point for many viewers. However, recent remarks from Baby Gloria via Snapchat have shed light on underlying aspects of the show’s production.
In her candid communication, Baby Gloria expressed a negative sentiment towards the authenticity of the show, labeling it as “fake” and disclosing that much of the content is scripted. Specifically, She revealed that she had been directed to cry during certain scenes, which she found incongruent with her integrity.
The show is fake Period. and most of the things are scripted. No cap. N the whole storyline was based off lies and a script. The crying, I was told to.
I’m moving out of the show so now they cut out scenes and context and confessions to make the cast that is staying in the show look good. It’s a scripted show. It’s not real. Period.
The 22-year-old singer and influencer emphasized her discomfort with participating in a show where she was asked to fabricate elements of her life.
Furthermore, Baby Gloria revealed her decision to withdraw from the show, citing discomfort with perpetuating fabricated narratives about her life.
It’s imperative to note that official communication regarding these developments from the Kampala Creme channels is pending. As such, further insights into the situation and potential ramifications remain subject to subsequent announcements from the show’s production team.