The Inspector General of Police, Abbas Byakagaba, has named Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Rusoke Kituuma as the new police spokesperson, succeeding Fred Enanga. Kituuma, a 2023 appointee to the Police Council, previously held roles such as Regional Police Commander for East Kyoga and Busoga East, Manager of Security and Enforcement at KCCA, and Regional Police Commander for the Rwizi region. Additionally, he recently earned a Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies.
Fred Enanga, who first became the police spokesperson in 2014 under then IGP Gen Kale Kayihura, was replaced by Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Andrew Felix Kaweesi in 2016. Kaweesi’s tenure was marked by significant challenges, including the Police Force’s tarnished image and conflicts with other institutions like the Judiciary and the Directorate of Public Prosecutions, as well as criticism from the opposition, diplomatic corps, and civil society organizations over issues of brutality and corruption. Following Kaweesi’s murder in March 2017, Asan Kasingye was appointed police spokesperson, only to be replaced by Emillian Kayima later that same year. Enanga returned to the role in 2019 until June 30, when he was succeeded by ACP Kituuma.
President Yoweri Museveni announced these changes shortly after meeting with the new IGP Abbas Byakagaba. Fred Enanga has been appointed deputy director of Interpol-Uganda, where he will serve under Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Grace Akullo. ACP Rusoke Kituuma will be supported by ACP Clare Nabakka, who has been Enanga’s deputy since Commissioner of Police (CP) Polly Namaye left for a course at Bwebajja Command and Staff College.
Additional appointments include CP James Ruhweza as deputy to the new director of operations services SCP Frank Mwesigwa, SCP Stephen Tanui as deputy director of Fire and Rescue Services under AIGP Fadhir Kamali, and CP Sarah Kibwika as commissioner in charge of human resources management, replacing SCP Christine Nanding, who has been deputy director of the legal directorate.