Hadija Nakyobe, a 20-year-old housewife and businesswoman, now finds herself in police custody following the alleged murder of an LCI chairperson on January 30, 2024.
The tragic incident unfolded in Selinya village, Kawanda sub-county, greater Masaka, where tensions escalated between Nakyobe and the victim. Police spokesperson Fred Enanga disclosed that the conflict arose when the LCI chairperson, who had sold his land to Nakyobe for seven million shillings, demanded the property back after the agreed three-month grace period had expired.
Despite granting an additional two weeks, the situation escalated that evening. Enanga shared these details while addressing journalists on Monday, February 5, 2024, at the Police headquarters in Naguru, Kampala.
Enanga explained, “The LC1 chairperson, armed with a panga, confronted Nakyobe during an evening altercation, threatening harm if she didn’t surrender the land agreement. In a forceful attempt, he attacked a man present in the living room before turning his aggression towards Nakyobe.”
In an act of self-defense, Enanga stated, “Nakyobe overpowered her assailant, using the same panga to fend off the lethal threat. Tragically, the chairperson lost his life in the scuffle.”
Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Nakyobe voluntarily surrendered to the police.
Enanga concluded, “The incident underscores the complexity and sometimes deadly consequences of land disputes within local communities.”