A series of unfortunate events unfolded when a sum of Shs192 million was stolen three times within hours, leading to the arrest of the perpetrators, including police officers involved in the theft. It started when robbers targeted Shaturah Namata, a cashier from Give and Take hardware in Nateete, as she carried the cash to the bank.
Forced into their vehicle, Namata was taken to Kiwanga in Mukono District, where she was abandoned with the bag containing the money. Luckily, Namata managed to seek help from a passing boda boda rider, sparking a pursuit of the robbers. Despite attempts to escape, vigilant boda boda operators and later a police patrol vehicle joined the chase.
Ultimately, one robber was shot and arrested, while another was apprehended. However, during the arrest, it was discovered that some police officers had stolen part of the money. Further discrepancies arose during the counting of the cash exhibit at Kira Police Station, raising suspicions of internal theft.
Subsequent investigations, including CCTV footage analysis, confirmed the involvement of police officers in stealing the money. Efforts to recover the missing funds have been partially successful, with Shs20 million retrieved. However, the case remains under investigation.
Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire confirmed that nine suspects, all police officers, are currently in custody. They will face disciplinary action pending the outcome of investigations, with potential criminal charges awaiting those implicated.